Front Parking Spot - Your Plans

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Your Plans


Recently, I had what I consider to be a “God Moment”.  I felt like angels were singing in praise with this new great idea that God had placed in my head.  My husband and I prayed for God’s direction and we moved quickly towards what we felt was God’s will.  Doors were opening, important information was learned and then the moment of action needed to happen.  When facing the risk involved and staring at the cross road of the direction we should take, we prayed, Proverbs 16:3 “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.”  We moved forward with our course of action and then this amazing door of opportunity was slammed shut.  Prior to this revelation, our hearts were at ease with the knowledge that whatever God’s will was in this life decision, He would direct.

He did.

At first, I was sad that our plan did not happen.  It had seemed so clearly to be from God.  Why didn’t this work out?  Then I remembered my prayer for His perfect will.  There were so many unknowns in my finite mind that I had to trust the one who knows best and this gave me great peace.

Already, details are unfolding where we can see His hand in the new direction that we are taking.  In future months, I know we will continue to see His plan unfold even more clearly.  Don’t get me wrong, the idea is still there but we have to commit to the Lord our actions, so that His perfect plans can happen in His exact timing.  It is undeniable that God’s will in our lives and the path we should take is what leads us to that front parking spot and this is where I choose to hang my hat on this journey of life.

Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans for a hope and a future.”