The Veil

Life is constantly changing. Work, family, relationships, and health are just a few of the elements of life in which challenges can occur seasonally or daily. It is easy to hyper-focus on a troublesome situation while it consumes our every thought. For a quick solution, we rush to read whatever articles we can find for more explanation. We talk to similar-minded people or experts in the field. We turn to podcasts to solidify our position. We do everything to learn about the topic through social media, the internet, or turning on the noise of the news. Through these outlets, we rarely find truth in the answers.


Unfortunately, sometimes the challenges are not fleeting. They become all-consuming and are very real in our day-to-day lives. We search for solutions with anything that the world validates. Joy leaves. Anxiety heightens. Depression begins. These worldly solutions become a veil that clouds a person’s vision for direction. God’s Word contains the truth, but often we fail to seek it when we need it the most, continuing down into the depths of deceit, discouragement and hopelessness.


You can pull yourself out of this downward spiral by taking these three steps:


  1. Reflect on yourself. Have you asked Jesus for help in your situation? Or have you just complained and asked why?


  1. Be vulnerable. We all fall short of the glory of God and we need His wisdom. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you a desire to see Jesus’ plan for you and ask for His help.


  1. Seek His direction by dusting off your Bible, going to church, or finding a Bible study. Do all you can to start walking with Jesus again and put Him in the center of your situation.


Consider how much time you have invested in searching for worldly answers and try giving equal time to God. By doing this, you can pull back the veil to see all that Jesus has in store for you. Ask Him for your vision to be restored, and your heart led in the direction He plans, not what the world would have you do. The more time you spend in prayer, the more God will reveal himself to you. It is only then that God’s peace will penetrate your life, that the veil will lift and you will then see His glorious solution.


2 Corinthians 3: 16-18 “But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”